Friday, 3 August 2012



1.  Measure and mark the lengths for the outside frame, refer to blueprint for dimensions   
     (Figure 24).
2.  Square up each corner (Figure 25). 

3.  Set a 5° angle and transfer the angle onto each piece (Figure 26).
4.  Using a steel square mark a right angle along each side, (this will be a guide when you 
     are sanding) (Figure 27).

5.  Cut off excess timber using a bandsaw (Figure 28).
6.  Sand each end on a 5° angle so it will sit flush with the other pieces (Figure 29).

7.  Line up each piece to make sure they are square, use weights to hold into position  
     (Figure 30, 31).
8.  Repeat process for each end of the inner frame, using correct dimensions (Figure 31).

9.    Transfer the angle as a guide for the screws (Figure 32).
10.   Extend this guide line down the side of the timber (Figure 33).

11.   Measure 20mm from each side and mark points for the screws (two screws will be 
       used in each end) (Figure 34).
12.  10G x 30mm screws, a 3.5mm and a 4mm drill bit will be used to fasten the main frame
       (Figure 35).

13.  Using a 3.5mm drill bit, drill pilot holes as a guide for each screw (Figure 36).
14.  Holding the timber firmly in position, drill two guide holes for the screws (Figure 37).
15.  Drill 4mm pilot holes in the outside pieces of timber to make it easier for the screws to 

16.  Once the holes have been drilled - use two screws and get them started in the holes 
       (Figure 38).
17.  Power drive screws into holes (Figure 39).

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